One common vital signs measurement isn’t a silver bullet, but blood pressure (BP) management does afford providers and health systems with opportunities to make big impacts with seemingly small adjustments to current practices.
Whether it is the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Control Hypertension or the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force stating that BP techniques need to be improved, we continue to see ever-increasing clinical evidence that optimizing BP is essential for health and wellness.
So how do we more accurately measure BP? What changes need to be made in our clinical environments? How can we empower patients to capture accurate BP readings at home? What are some ways we can better manage hypertension and impact clinical outcomes beyond simply reaching for the prescription pad?
During this presentation, two doctors, including a physician executive with Kettering Health, will dive into blood pressure management in 2021 and beyond: why it matters, what can be done and how we can make lives better in the process.
Key takeaways will be:
- Understanding how standardized proper blood pressure measurement contributes to better patient health.
- Learning the latest evidence showing that improper blood pressure measurement technique is counteractive to effective practice management, both clinically and financially.
- Applying practical tips for how you can achieve a true resting blood pressure at the point of care with widely available technologies.