Typically, compliance monitoring has been seen as a necessary expense, not unlike an insurance policy. While avoiding costly and troublesome civil monetary penalties is important, faster, more flexible solutions are powering teams and workflows across healthcare organizations. Whether the population is employed clinicians, contracted providers, or a variety of downstream and related entities, instant and ongoing insights into identity and credentials can support workflows from hiring and contracting to scheduling and processing claims.
The compliance monitoring programs of the future will combine sophisticated automation and integrations with efficient human oversight to leverage results within critical business workflows. The healthcare populations that provider and payer organizations rely on are only becoming more complex, with responsibility for oversight distributed across multiple teams.
Though compliance officers and teams may still be ultimately responsible for compliance monitoring and data verification, the number of stakeholders at the table has increased dramatically, from operations and HR to IT/security and finance. As more teams apply pressure to monitoring programs, these solutions must combine advanced security and integrations with real-time data verification and a flexible platform to support faster decision making and minimize unnecessary work.