Citing overspending, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is calling an early end to an initiative that aimed to provide better, more efficient care to Medicare Advantage enrollees.
The Value-Based Insurance Design model, or VBID, will sunset at the end of 2025, CMS announced, just 20 months after the agency extended it until 2030. The latest data show “substantial and unmitigable costs” totaling $4.5 billion in 2021 and 2022, an amount "unprecedented in CMS innovation center models," CMS said in a news release Monday.
Related: CMS' 2030 value-based care goal at 'inflection point'
"Additional analyses of model performance and policy options demonstrated that these substantial costs were driven in part by increased risk score growth and Part D expenditures and that no viable policy modifications could address these excess costs," CMS said in the news release.
"As many of the VBID model’s interventions are now widely available in the MA program, model termination will not impact the ability of MA plans to continue to offer most of the interventions offered under the model," CMS said.