Over the past 45 years, Modern Healthcare has witnessed this dynamic industry transform itself.
First, leaders responded to the driving forces around consumerism and cost.
Then last year, the industry morphed again in reaction to a global crisis.
In 1976, Modern Hospitals became Modern Healthcare: the go-to for timely, comprehensive, unbiased industry news. Our newsroom has reported on vital healthcare milestones. Our reporters analyzed how policies like the Affordable Care Act changed your operations or how emerging trends like digital health pushed care outside of the hospital.
But the industry mostly remained fragmented.
Then came COVID-19.
Despite having to pivot overnight to remain financially viable, I saw you join forces in service of the patient.
The collaboration built during the pandemic made healthcare leaders more resilient than ever.
At Modern Healthcare, this year gave us a reinvigorated mission: to combat misinformation that threatens to dismantle gains in care quality, costs, access and equity.
Our newsroom has built connections to sources to detect and refute misinformation and provide the context that is so often lacking in mainstream media coverage of healthcare.
We found new ways to connect with you during the pandemic, using online platforms, providing data, and harnessing events and virtual experiences to connect you with peers and share best practices.
We launched MH, a new magazine that offers business strategies, case studies and learnings that create a more holistic educational opportunity for leaders.
That includes our “Breaking Bias” column, which provides blueprints for pushing forward on diversity, equity and inclusion as well as social justice.
We continue to provide you the best healthcare business news every day on ModernHealthcare.com.
Our coverage is balanced, accurate and curated to relate specifically to our subscribers’ needs.
We also honor you for your achievements. In 2005, Modern Healthcare launched the Top 25 Women Leaders awards program to salute women executives who bring vision, character and commitment to healthcare innovation. The Women Leaders in Healthcare conference has built a thriving community.
Our Top Diversity Leaders in Healthcare program honors executives and organizations that influence policy, re-engineer care delivery, and advance DEI.
Having been with Modern Healthcare for nearly 20 years, I’ve never felt more privileged to serve alongside one of the nation’s preeminent teams of journalists whose work has contributed to some much needed and significant changes for this exciting and essential industry.
Count on Modern Healthcare to be your partner for the news analysis, research and events you need to navigate policy and regulatory changes, make evidence-based business decisions, and accelerate clinical and financial performance.
We all succeed when we work together. We are grateful for your continued support.