Diversity Leaders Awards
2024 Honorees Announced
Register today to attend the Diversity Leaders Awards Gala on Sept. 17 in Chicago, IL. A ticket includes both the Health Equity Conference and Diversity Leaders Awards Gala.
Key Dates & Deadlines
March 10, 2025 - Nominations open
May 19, 2025 - Nominations close at 11:59 p.m. PT
July 15, 2025 - Honorees published online and in MH Magazine
TBD - Diversity Leaders Awards Gala. Registration coming soon!
Nominees for the individual awards must self-identify as a person of color—which includes being Black/African American, Indigenous, Asian, Latino/Latina/Latinx, Pacific Islander, or multiracial—and/or self-identify as LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning or other underrepresented sexual orientation or gender identity).
Criteria for Individual Awards
To be considered as a Diversity Leader honoree, Modern Healthcare will review for eligibility based on the following criteria:
1. Nominee must work in healthcare, including at hospitals, health systems, providers, insurers, associations, government agencies, investment firms, vendors, supplier organizations and patients’ rights groups.
2. Nominee must manage a team or otherwise have a leadership role.
3. Nominee has made a measurable impact at their company and/or in the healthcare industry in the past 12 months.
Note: Anyone previously honored in Modern Healthcare's Top Diversity Leaders or Top Minority Executives program, except as a “Diversity Leader to Watch” or “Minority Executive to Watch,” is ineligible for 2024 and beyond to be recognized as a Diversity Leader.
To be considered as a Rising Star honoree (previously Diversity Leaders to Watch), Modern Healthcare will review for eligibility based on the following criteria:
1. Nominee must work in healthcare, including at hospitals, health systems, providers, insurers, associations, government agencies, investment firms, vendors, supplier organizations and patients’ rights groups.
2. Nominee must have held their current role for no longer than three years.
3. Nominee has made a measurable impact at their company and/or in the healthcare industry in the past 12 months.
Note: Anyone previously honored as a Diversity Leader to Watch or Minority Executive to Watch is ineligible to be considered as a Rising Star.
Criteria for Organizational Award
1. What percentage of the organization’s C-suite is made up of women? How has the percentage changed over the past year?
2. What percentage of the organization’s C-suite is made up of people of color? How has the percentage changed over the past year?
3. What percentage of the organization’s board is made up of women? How has the percentage changed over the past year?
4. What percentage of the organization’s board is made up of people of color? How has the percentage changed over the past year?
5. Describe specific initiatives the organization has put in place to promote diversity, equity and inclusion within its leadership ranks and workforce. Provide measurable results over the past year.
6. Describe specific initiatives the organization has put in place to address diversity, equity and inclusion as a part of its strategic plan or mission. Provide measurable results over the past year.
Required Materials/Documentation
Current, high-resolution headshot of the nominee. Photos should be 300 dpi and at least 5x7.
High-resolution environmental or portrait-style photograph of the nominee. Photos should be 300 dpi and at least 5x7.
Supporting documents are not required, but their submission is encouraged. Up to five supporting documents may be uploaded to the online application. Supporting documents may include letters of recommendation or articles in which the nominee has been featured.
To submit an individual and/or organization for consideration, there is a fee of $200 per nomination which must be paid upon submission. Your individual and/or organization nomination will be considered by the top editors of Modern Healthcare for consideration. Payment does not guarantee inclusion in this honor roll. Multiple nominations for one individual/organization does not influence the process in any way.
Contact If you have any questions about the program, including the criteria, nomination and selection process, or deadline, please contact [email protected].
Yes, more than one person from the same organization can be selected as an honoree. Each must be submitted as a separate nomination.
No, multiple nominations for one individual do not influence the selection process in any way.
Honorees are selected by the editors of Modern Healthcare. Nomination does not guarantee selection.
No, we will not notify those who did not make the list.
Modern Healthcare lists the title "Dr." only for honorees who have completed either a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree.