Because of the way the BLS calculates the health insurance index, the change year over year does not reflect premiums paid by customers, but "retained earnings" after paying out claims. These earnings are used to cover administrative costs or are kept as profit.
The BLS redistributes the benefits paid out portion of the health insurance index to other non-insurance medical care categories, such as physician services.
The likely reason health insurance inflation is rising is because of growth in managed care, including Medicare Advantage, Medicaid managed care and commercial insurance, according to Paul Hughes-Cromwick, an economist at Altarum. He noted that added administrative costs increase insurance price growth.
Hughes-Cromwick said the increase in the health insurance index could also be driven by the fact that insurers' medical loss ratios may be decreasing as high premiums, particular in the individual health insurance exchanges, exceeded anticipated claims.
The medical loss ratio reflects the percentage of every premium dollar spent on medical claims and quality improvement. Insurers must pay at least 80% of premiums on those things and if they don't, they must issue rebates to plan members, as part of the Affordable Care Act.
In response to rising inflation, a spokeswoman for America's Health Insurance Plans, the industry's biggest lobbying group, commented that "consumers deserve the lowest possible total costs for their coverage and care." She pointed out the medical loss ratio requirements and said health insurers spend 98 cents of every premium dollar on medical care, operating costs that include care management, and preventing fraud, waste and abuse.
Affordable Care Act exchange insurers hiked premiums higher than necessary in 2018 and now expect to pay out $800 million in rebates to individual market customers this year because they did not meet the medical loss ratio threshold, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis published this month. Because medical loss ratios are declining, health insurers in the individual, small group and large group markets expect to issue $1.4 billion in rebates based on their 2018 performance, the analysis stated.
Still health insurance profits have been on the rise. The eight largest publicly traded insurers posted net income of $9.3 billion in the first quarter of 2019, an increase of 29.9%. They made a combined $21.9 billion in profits over the course of 2018.