Validation of formulary status at the point of prescribing, powered by distributed Formulary and Benefit (F&B) files, has been a mainstay of ePrescribing for more than 20 years. The traditional distribution process consisting of multiple steps across multiple stakeholders including creating, processing, and uploading/downloading files has not changed significantly over the past two decades. Due to the multiple hand-offs of files and different distribution schedules of formulary data by EHR vendors, information may be out-of-date by the time the prescriber views it in the electronic health record (EHR). In addition, the amount of data and size of the formulary files have led to an increase in the time and resources it takes for an EHR vendor or practice to update the files on a regular basis. This has put a greater burden on EHR vendors, health systems, and physician practices who are the ultimate “consumers” of this information.