Healthcare Editorial Awards and Honors
The Industry's #1 Choice
Thank you for making Modern Healthcare the #1 source of news and information for the healthcare industry. We're proud to receive these accolades from our peers, but more importantly, we're honored to be your #1 choice for healthcare news and information.
2018 - Jesse H. Neal Awards (National)
Best News Coverage - Political Issues
Reporter Harris Meyer
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Best Single Article - "Access Denied"
Reporter Shelby Livingston, Digital Graphics Producer Fan Fei and Art Director Pat Fanelli
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April 18, 2017
Finalist - Best Commentary/Blog
Commentaries by Merrill Goozner
The Jesse H. Neal Awards are the most prestigious editorial honors in the field of specialized journalism. The awards were established in 1955 to recognize and reward editorial excellence in business media. Award-winning content reports on major industry issues of the time. Neal winners have exposed corruption and conflicts of interest and brought attention to major new trends, brilliant leadership, innovative tactics and key developments in global businesses.
2018 - The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Print Journalism Award (National)
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporter Joseph Conn
"Genomic Medicine Goes Mainstream"
Feb. 18, 2017
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporter Steven Ross Johnson and Harris M. Meyer
Special Report: "Behavioral Health: Fixing a System in Crisis"
May 29, 2017
The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation every year recognizes excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of healthcare and the impact of healthcare policy. The 24-year-old awards carry $10,000 prizes and are judged by an independent panel of current and former journalists that include peers from the Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs, the Washington Post and Kaiser Health News.
2017 - Peter Lisagor Award for Exemplary Journalism (National)
Merrill Goozner, Editor Emeritus
Best Commentary
Chicago Headline Club
Society of Professional Journalists
The Chicago Headline Club, the largest Society of Professional Journalists chapter in the country, was founded for journalists across Chicago in 1921. The Chicago Headline Club awards exceptional reporting in honor of Peter Lisagor, the late Chicago Daily News Washington bureau chief.
2017 - The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Print Journalism Award (National)
Trade Publications
Reporter Bob Herman and Digital Graphics Producer Fan Fei
Special Report: "Wounded Care"
Aug. 2, 2016
Finalist - Trade Publications
Reporter Harris Meyer
Article: "Surgeons' move to outpatient joint replacements threatens hospitals"
June 4, 2016
The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation every year recognizes excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of healthcare and the impact of healthcare policy. The 24-year-old awards carry $10,000 prizes and are judged by an independent panel of current and former journalists that include peers from the Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs, the Washington Post and Kaiser Health News.
2017 - Jesse H. Neal Awards (National)
Range of Work by a Single Author
Reporter Elizabeth Whitman, Modern Healthcare staff
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Best Infographics
Reporter Adam Rubenfire, Reporter Steven Ross Johnson, Art Director Pat Fanelli and Production Manager Keith Horist, Modern Healthcare staff
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The Jesse H. Neal Awards are the most prestigious editorial honors in the field of specialized journalism. The awards were established in 1955 to recognize and reward editorial excellence in business media. Award-winning content reports on major industry issues of the time. Neal winners have exposed corruption and conflicts of interest and brought attention to major new trends, brilliant leadership, innovative tactics and key developments in global businesses.
2017 - American Society of Business Publication Editors (National)
Bronze Award: Front Cover - Best Typographic Cover
Art Director Pat Fannelli
If you ever want to see your data again:
Magazine of the Year Top 10 Award
Modern Healthcare staff
The American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) is the professional association for full-time and freelance editors, writers, art directors, and designers employed in the business, trade, and specialty press. Founded in 1964, the association is well-known for its Awards of Excellence national competition, which recognizes business-to-business, trade, association and professional publications, spanning magazines, newsletters and digital media.
2017 - Trade, Association and Business Publications International
Gold Award
Merrill Goozner, Editor
Editor's Column - " What's a New Cancer Drug Worth?"
May 21, 2016
Feature Article: #22 of Top 25 Entries
Bob Herman and Maria Castellucci, reporters and Modern Healthcare staff
Special Report:"The Other Victims of Gun Violence"
Honorable Mention: Online Awards, Modern Healthcare Staff
TABPI's business-to-business awards program, known as the Tabbies, is an international editorial and design competition, recognizing work in trade, association and business publications. The competition encompasses 18 categories and is open to English-language business-to-business print and online publications around the globe.
2016 - The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Print Journalism Award (National)
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporter Bob Herman
"Prescribing a Climate Remedy"
Nov. 14, 2015
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporter Steven Ross Johnson
"Coming to America: Neglected Tropical Diseases Taking Hold in U.S."
Oct. 10, 2015
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporter Beth Kutscher
Special Report:"Unequal States: Mapping Healthcare's Diverging Paths"
Nov. 14, 2015
The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation every year recognizes excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of healthcare and the impact of healthcare policy. The 24-year-old awards carry $10,000 prizes and are judged by an independent panel of current and former journalists that include peers from the Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs, the Washington Post and Kaiser Health News.
2016 - Jesse H. Neal Awards (National)
Finalist - Best Series
Reporter Beth Kutscher
Series: "Unequal Sates: Mapping Medicaid's diverging paths"
Finalist - Best Subject-related Integrated Package
Package: "Medicare and Medicaid: The Next Half-Century"
Finalist - Best Editorial Use of Data
Reporter Bob Herman
Use of Data: "High Prescribers' Conflict of Interest"
The Jesse H. Neal Awards are the most prestigious editorial honors in the field of specialized journalism. The awards were established in 1955 to recognize and reward editorial excellence in business media. Award-winning content reports on major industry issues of the time. Neal winners have exposed corruption and conflicts of interest and brought attention to major new trends, brilliant leadership, innovative tactics and key developments in global businesses.
2016 - Association of Healthcare Journalists (National)
First Place
Reporter Bob Herman and Digital Graphics Producer Fan Fei, Modern Healthcare staff
Special Report: "Wounded Care"
Since 2004, the Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism have recognized the best health reporting in print, broadcast and online media. Entries can include a wide range of health coverage including public health, consumer health, medical research, the business of health care and health ethics. First-place winners earn $500, are recognized at the annual awards luncheon and are encouraged to appear on panels to discuss their winning work.
2016 - Trade, Association and Business Publications International
The Big 95
#5 B2B Publications
TABPI's business-to-business awards program, known as the Tabbies, is an international editorial and design competition, recognizing work in trade, association and business publications. The competition encompasses 18 categories and is open to English-language business-to-business print and online publications around the globe.
2016 - Peter Lisagor Award for Exemplary Journalism (National)
Finalist - Best In-depth Reporting in a Magazine or Magazine Section
Reporter Bob Herman; Reporter Tristen Korten; Modern Healthcare Staff
"The other victims of gun violence"
Finalist - Best In-depth Report or Series
Reporter Steven Ross Johnson
"Collateral Damage"
Finalist - Best Business or Consumer Reporting
Reporter Howard Wolinsky
"Survey Dissatisfaction"
The Chicago Headline Club, the largest Society of Professional Journalists chapter in the country, was founded for journalists across Chicago in 1921. The Chicago Headline Club awards exceptional reporting in honor of Peter Lisagor, the late Chicago Daily News Washington bureau chief.
2015 - Jesse H. Neal Awards (National)
Gertrude Crain Award Recipient
Publisher Fawn Lopez
Finalist - Best Single Article
Reporter Joe Carlson
Article: "Stonewalling patient complaints"
Finalist - Best News Coverage
Ongoing Ebola Coverage
Finalist - Best Website
Finalist - Best Range of Work by a Single Author
Reporter Sabriya Rice
The Jesse H. Neal Awards are the most prestigious editorial honors in the field of specialized journalism. The awards were established in 1955 to recognize and reward editorial excellence in business media. Award-winning content reports on major industry issues of the time. Neal winners have exposed corruption and conflicts of interest and brought attention to major new trends, brilliant leadership, innovative tactics and key developments in global businesses.
2015 - Association of Healthcare Journalists (National)
Second Place
Reporter Beth Kutscher, Modern Healthcare staff
Special Report: "Unequal States: Mapping Healthcare's Diverging Paths"
Since 2004, the Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism have recognized the best health reporting in print, broadcast and online media. Entries can include a wide range of health coverage including public health, consumer health, medical research, the business of health care and health ethics. First-place winners earn $500, are recognized at the annual awards luncheon and are encouraged to appear on panels to discuss their winning work.
2015 - The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Print Journalism Award (National)
Finalist - Trade Publications
Reporter Bob Herman
"A Changing Landscape for Academic Medicine"
July 5, 2014
Finalist - Trade Publications
Reporter Bob Herman
"Disinvesting in Climate Change"
Aug. 2, 2014
Finalist - Trade Publications
Reporter Beth Kutscher
"Two Americas"
May 31, 2014
Finalist - Trade Publications
Reporter Sabriya Rice
"The Ratings Maze"
Aug. 16, 2014
The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation every year recognizes excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of healthcare and the impact of healthcare policy. The 24-year-old awards carry $10,000 prizes and are judged by an independent panel of current and former journalists that include peers from the Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs, the Washington Post and Kaiser Health News.
2014 - The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Print Journalism Award (National)
Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporter Joe Carlson
"You Don't Always Get What You Pay For"
Oct. 26, 2013
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporter Steven Ross Johnson
"Sparking Controversy"
Sept. 21, 2013
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporters Maureen McKinney and Melanie Evans
"Quality Paradox"
Jan. 5, 2013
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications
Reporter Maureen McKinney
"Registry-based clinical trial puts heart treatment to the test"
Nov. 2, 2013
The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation every year recognizes excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of healthcare and the impact of healthcare policy. The 24-year-old awards carry $10,000 prizes and are judged by an independent panel of current and former journalists that include peers from the Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs, the Washington Post and Kaiser Health News.
2013 - American Society of Business Publication Editors (National)
Gold Award
Digital Editor Pat Shrader, Modern Healthcare staff
E-Newsletter: "Daily Dose"
Bronze Award
Reporter Joe Carlson
News analysis / investigative reporting : Clarity at Last
Top 10 winner
Digital Editor Pat Shrader, Modern Healthcare staff
Online Excellence B2B Web Site of the Year:
Finalist - Regional Digital & Print Azbee Award
Assistant Graphics Editor Eric Semelroth
Front Cover: Photo "Anatomy of an Outbreak"
Finalist - Regional Digital & Print Azbee Award
Digital Editor Pat Shrader and Modern Healthcare Staff
B2B Website of the Year
Finalist - Regional Digital & Print Azbee Award
Digital Editor Pat Shrader and Modern Healthcare Staff
E-Newsletter: The Daily Dose
Finalist - Regional Digital & Print Azbee Award
Reporter Joe Carlson
News analysis / investigative reporting : Clarity at Last
The American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) is the professional association for full-time and freelance editors, writers, art directors, and designers employed in the business, trade, and specialty press. Founded in 1964, the association is well-known for its Awards of Excellence national competition, which recognizes business-to-business, trade, association and professional publications, spanning magazines, newsletters and digital media.
2013 - American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors
Gold Award
Melanie Evans, reporter
Best Single News Article - "Recovery mode"
December 8, 2012
Silver Award
Modern Healthcare staff
Best Website -
Bronze Award
Modern Healthcare staff
Best Digital/Print Integration - Best Places to Work 2012
The American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE) has been recognizing excellence in the healthcare publication field since 2001. The ASHPE Awards are open to all U.S.-based writers, editors and graphic artists involved in healthcare publishing.
2013 - Trade, Association and Business Publications International
Feature Article: #14 of Top 25 Entries
Reporter Paul Barr
"Engaging Behavior"
Best B2B Website: Silver Award, Pat Shrader and Modern Healthcare Staff
E-newsletter: Bronze Award
The Daily Dose, Pat Shrader and Modern Healthcare Staff
TABPI's business-to-business awards program, known as the Tabbies, is an international editorial and design competition, recognizing work in trade, association and business publications. The competition encompasses 18 categories and is open to English-language business-to-business print and online publications around the globe.
2013 - The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Print Journalism Award (National)
Finalist - Trade Publications
Reporter Paul Barr
Series: "Healthcare in Motion"
May 14, 2012; June 18 2012; July 23, 2012
Finalist -Trade Publications
Reporter Rich Daly
"Sincerest Form of Flattery"
January 9, 2012
Finalist - Trade Publications
Reporter Jaimy Lee
"Market Meld"
May 26 ,2012
The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation every year recognizes excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of healthcare and the impact of healthcare policy. The 24-year-old awards carry $10,000 prizes and are judged by an independent panel of current and former journalists that include peers from the Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs, the Washington Post and Kaiser Health News.
2012 - American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors
Gold Award
Patrick Shrader, senior digital editor
E-Newsletter - "Daily Dose"
Gold Award
Modern Healthcare staff
Best Website -
Gold Award
Joe Carlson, reporter
Vince Galloro, reporter
Best Special Report/Section - The annual Hospital Systems Survey
June 6, 2011
Gold Award
Melanie Evans, reporter
Joe Carlson, reporter
Best Single News Article - "Out in the Open"
December 19, 2011
Silver Award
Modern Healthcare staff
Best News Coverage
Bronze Award
Joe Conn, reporter
Rebecca Mielcarski, research editor
Best Original Research - The annual Information Systems Survey
February 21, 2011
Bronze Award
Eric Semelroth, assistant graphics editor
Best Overall Use of Graphic - March 21, 2011 issue of Modern Healthcare magazine
The American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE) has been recognizing excellence in the healthcare publication field since 2001. The ASHPE Awards are open to all U.S.-based writers, editors and graphic artists involved in healthcare publishing.
2012 - The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Print Journalism Award (National)
Finalist - Trade Publications
Reporters Melanie Evans and Joe Carlson
"Out in the Open"
December 19, 2011
The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation every year recognizes excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of healthcare and the impact of healthcare policy. The 24-year-old awards carry $10,000 prizes and are judged by an independent panel of current and former journalists that include peers from the Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs, the Washington Post and Kaiser Health News.
2011 - Jesse H. Neal National Business Journalism Award
Modern Healthcare staff
Best News Coverage - ""The moment it all changed"
American Business Media
March 29, 2010
The Jesse H. Neal Awards are the most prestigious editorial honors in the field of specialized journalism. The awards were established in 1955 to recognize and reward editorial excellence in business media. Award-winning content reports on major industry issues of the time. Neal winners have exposed corruption and conflicts of interest and brought attention to major new trends, brilliant leadership, innovative tactics and key developments in global businesses.
2011 - Sigma Delta Chi Award for Excellence in Journalism
Neil McLaughlin, managing editor
Editorial Writing/Non-Daily Publications - "100 years in the making"
Society of Professional Journalists
March 29, 2010
The Society of Professional Journalists' Sigma Delta Chi Award started in 1932 to honor six individuals for their contributions to journalism. The current program, which began in 1939, recognizes the best in journalism in different categories, including print, radio, television, newsletters, art/graphics, online and research.
2011 - NIHCM Foundation Health Care Print Journalism Award
Joe Carlson, reporter
Best Article/Trade Publications - "Bad for business"
National Institute for Health Care Management
August 2, 2010
Maureen McKinney, reporter
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications - " National Institute for Health Care Management
August 16, 2010
Rebecca Vesely, reporter
Finalist - Best Article/Trade Publications - " National Institute for Health Care Management
May 10, 2010
The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation every year recognizes excellence in health care reporting and writing on the financing and delivery of healthcare and the impact of healthcare policy. The 24-year-old awards carry $10,000 prizes and are judged by an independent panel of current and former journalists that include peers from the Wall Street Journal, Health Affairs, the Washington Post and Kaiser Health News.
2011 - Peter Lisagor Award for Exemplary Journalism (National)
Rebecca Vesely, reporter
Business Reporting/Specialty or Trade Publications - "For good behavior"
Chicago Headline Club
Society of Professional Journalists
May 10, 2010
Deadline Reporting/Non-daily Publications
Chicago Headline Club - "The moment it all changed"
Society of Professional Journalists
March 29, 2010
Gregory Blesch, reporter
Feature Writing/Specialty or Trade Publications - "Putting hospitals on notice"
Chicago Headline Club
Society of Professional Journalists
May 24, 2010
Neil McLaughlin, managing editor
News Column or Commentary/Specialty or Trade Publications - Editorials
Chicago Headline Club
Society of Professional Journalists
March 29, 2010
The Chicago Headline Club, the largest Society of Professional Journalists chapter in the country, was founded for journalists across Chicago in 1921. The Chicago Headline Club awards exceptional reporting in honor of Peter Lisagor, the late Chicago Daily News Washington bureau chief.
2011 - American Society of Business Publication Editors (National)
Top 10 Finalist
David Burda, editor - Magazine of the Year
Neil McLaughlin, managing editor
March 15, 2010; March 22, 2010; March 29, 2010
Silver Award
Joe Carlson, reporter
Original Web Commentary - "Friends in high places"
June 30, 2010; August 9, 2010
Silver Award
David Burda, editor
Jennifer Lubell, reporter
John Morrissey, contributor
Special Supplement - "Sick, Sicker, Sickest"
100 Top Hospital Supplement
August 9, 2010
Silver Award
All Staff
Web News Section -
February 1, 2010
Bronze Award
Jessica Zigmond, reporter
Feature Series - "Not such a pastoral setting"
July 26, 2010; August 23, 2010; September 27, 2010
Bronze Award
David Burda, editor
Gregg Blesch, reporter
Keith Horist, assistant managing editor/graphics
Maureen McKinney, reporter
Neil McLaughlin, managing editor
Andis Robeznieks, reporter
Patrick Shrader, digital editor
Trade Show/Conference Coverage - "Live@MGMA"
Modern Physician
October 24-27, 2010
The American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) is the professional association for full-time and freelance editors, writers, art directors, and designers employed in the business, trade, and specialty press. Founded in 1964, the association is well-known for its Awards of Excellence national competition, which recognizes business-to-business, trade, association and professional publications, spanning magazines, newsletters and digital media.
2011 - American Society of Business Publication Editors (Midwest-South Regional)
Gold Award
Modern Healthcare staff
News Analysis/Investigative - "The moment it all changed"
March 29, 2010
Gold Award
Jennifer Lubell, reporter
Organization Profile - "Calling up the reserves"
February 15, 2010
Gold Award
David Burda, editor
Shawn Rhea, reporter
Special Section - IT Case Study Contest
July 5, 2010
Silver Award
Joe Carlson, reporter
Feature Article - "Bad for business"
August 2, 2010
The American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) is the professional association for full-time and freelance editors, writers, art directors, and designers employed in the business, trade, and specialty press. Founded in 1964, the association is well-known for its Awards of Excellence national competition, which recognizes business-to-business, trade, association and professional publications, spanning magazines, newsletters and digital media.
2011 - American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors
Gold Award
Christine Grace, assistant digital editor
Joseph Conn, reporter
E-Newsletter - "Health IT Strategist"
Gold Award
Modern Healthcare staff
Online News Coverage - ""
Gold Award
Joe Carlson, reporter
Single News Article - "Bad for business"
August 2, 2010
Silver Award
Gregg Blesch, reporter
Feature Article - "Putting hospitals on notice"
May 24, 2010
Silver Award
Melanie Evans, reporter
Legislative/Government Article - "Standing in line"
February 22, 2010
Silver Award
Joe Conn, reporter
Rebecca Mielcarski, special projects/research editor
Original Research - "Information Systems Survey"
March 1, 2010
Silver Award
Christine Grace, assistant digital editor
Keith Horist, assistant managing editor/graphics
Rebecca Mielcarski, special projects/research editor
Eric Semelroth, assistant graphics editor
Special Supplement - "By the Numbers"
December 20, 2010
Silver Award
Melanie Evans, reporter
Blog - "Of Interest"
Bronze Award
Patrick Shrader, digital editor
Website ""
November 30, 2009
The American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (ASHPE) has been recognizing excellence in the healthcare publication field since 2001. The ASHPE Awards are open to all U.S.-based writers, editors and graphic artists involved in healthcare publishing.
2011 - Trade, Association and Business Publications International
Gold Award
Joe Carlson, reporter
News Article - "Bad for business"
August 2, 2010
Gold Award
Paul Barr, news editor
News Coverage - The Week in Healthcare
Bronze Award
Julie Johnson, copy desk chief
Department - "Outliers"
Modern Healthcare
Honorable Mention
Neil McLaughlin, managing editor
Editor's Column - "A page out of Twain's book"
July 12, 2010
Honorable Mention
Gregg Blesch, reporter
Feature Article - "Putting hospitals on notice"
May 24, 2010
Honorable Mention
Eric Semelroth, assistant graphics editor
Front Cover/Photograph - "Putting hospitals on notice"
May 24, 2010
Honorable Mention
David Burda, editor
Neil McLaughlin, managing editor
Single Issue "Modern Healthcare - March 29, 2010
Honorable Mention
Joseph Conn, reporter
Rebecca Mielcarski, special projects/research editor
Special Section - "Information Systems Survey"
March 1, 2010
TABPI's business-to-business awards program, known as the Tabbies, is an international editorial and design competition, recognizing work in trade, association and business publications. The competition encompasses 18 categories and is open to English-language business-to-business print and online publications around the globe.
2011 - Peter Lisagor Award for Exemplary Journalism (National)
Neil Laughlin, managing editor
News Column or Commentary; Specialty/Trade
Chicago Headline Club
Society of Professional Journalists
The Chicago Headline Club, the largest Society of Professional Journalists chapter in the country, was founded for journalists across Chicago in 1921. The Chicago Headline Club awards exceptional reporting in honor of Peter Lisagor, the late Chicago Daily News Washington bureau chief.
2011 - Association of Healthcare Journalists (National)
First Place
Reporter Joe Carlson
Special Report: "Danger Zones"
Since 2004, the Awards for Excellence in Health Care Journalism have recognized the best health reporting in print, broadcast and online media. Entries can include a wide range of health coverage including public health, consumer health, medical research, the business of health care and health ethics. First-place winners earn $500, are recognized at the annual awards luncheon and are encouraged to appear on panels to discuss their winning work.