The healthcare industry's approach to diversity, equity and inclusion is evolving as organizations face ongoing financial, regulatory and political uncertainty. Deep divides endure in patient outcomes and access — and those recognized as part of Modern Healthcare's Diversity Leaders awards program are working to address such disparities.
Beginning this year, Modern Healthcare is selecting a new class of individual awardees each time. Through their efforts in a variety of sectors — whether at providers, health insurance companies, technology brands or venture capital partners — they are creatively narrowing gaps in services, supporting initiatives to foster employee well-being and connecting people more effectively with care.
Read more about the 2024 Diversity Leaders in Healthcare honorees.
Modern Healthcare is also honoring eight organizations that have demonstrated their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion through board and leadership makeup and company actions over the past year.
How were the honorees selected?
Nominations were accepted between April 1 and June 10. The editors of Modern Healthcare selected the Diversity Leaders and Rising Stars based on eligibility and their accomplishments.
Why were the changes made to the program?
The healthcare industry is growing and gaining talent in many areas. We updated the program to shine the spotlight each year on a new group of leaders who are dedicated to the goals of advancing equity and inclusion.
Can an individual be honored as a Diversity Leader more than once?
No. Diversity Leaders selected this year will not be eligible for the program again. Individuals selected as Rising Stars will be eligible for nomination as Diversity Leaders.
Can an organization be honored more than once?
Are nominees who are not selected notified?
Why is the title “Dr.” not listed for an honoree who has a doctoral degree?
Modern Healthcare uses the title of “Dr.” only for those who have completed either a Doctor of Medicine or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.
When is the Diversity Leaders Gala?
The gala will take place Sept. 17 in Chicago following the Health Equity Conference. The conference agenda includes panels with industry leaders on the chief equity officer’s role, the future of ACO Reach and how to establish effective community partnerships. Register here.