The Business Graduate Schools for Physician Executives list was published on Oct. 4, 2021. The full Excel version includes 15 companies and may include additional data.
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Records/Pages: 15 DownloadFields in this list
- Institution name
- Street address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Phone
- Fax
- Website
- Corporate Email
- Parent CompanyCompany name
- Parent CompanyStreet address
- Parent CompanyCity
- Parent CompanyState
- Parent CompanyZip
- Parent CompanyPhone
- Parent CompanyWeb Address
- Top Executive(s)First name
- Top Executive(s)Last name
- Top Executive(s)Title
- Top Executive(s)Email
- Top Executive(s)Direct Line
- Please list the degree programs offered for the 20212022 school year (MBA MHA MMM other) with the program you're reporting for listed first
- Year program was established
- Please list the concentrations for the 20212022 school year (health administration physician leadership medical practice management other)
- Please list the length of the entire program (in months) as of the 20212022 school year
- Please list the age in years of the program (how long it's been established as an MBAawarding program) as of Fall 2021
- Number of fulltime students
- Number of parttime students
- What is the current tuition cost (not including books/supplies) for the 20212022 school year
- Please list what is included in the tuition reported above if that amount is something other than the overall flatrate cost for the 20212022 school year. (Example textbooks course materials notebook computers meals lodging educational seminars additional fees instate outofstate etc.)
- How many days are students required to be on campus for the entire 20212022 school year
- What is the total number of graduates from the program to date as of the start of the 20212022 school year
- What new courses will your program offer in the next three years
- Do you offer courses in managing quality and safety programs
- Do you offer courses in managing alternative payment systems such as Accountable Care Organizations or bundled payments
- Fall semester 2020
- Spring semester 2021
- What are the biggest issues in physician executive training
- Is the program accredited for the 20212022 school year
- Please list the organization(s) by which the program is accredited.
- This specific program provides longdistance/online learning programs that award MBAs or similar degrees for the 20212022 school year.
- Does your school offer a weekend MBA program
- Has the information reported in this survey been reviewed by a senior executive
- FIX Please use this space to further explain or indicate footnotes on any of the answers given in the survey. (Examples Data reported is for the full length of the program instead of year requested. All reported figures are estimates.)
- Footnotes