Rank: 57
Leah Binder
President and CEO, The Leapfrog Group
Binder, who has led the patient safety nonprofit since 2008, established the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade program in 2012, which assigns letter grades to hospitals based on their quality and safety performance. Evaluations are based on up to 30 performance metrics. In its fall 2024 hospital safety study, Leapfrog reported that several of its measures — specifically in hand hygiene, healthcare-associated infections and medication safety — showed double-digit improvements from previous years. But Binder has noted that grades can vary widely from hospital to hospital, leaving room for more improvement. Before joining Leapfrog, Binder served for eight years as vice president of Franklin Community Health Network based in Farmington, Maine. She is a co-chair of the HCPLAN Accountable Care Action Collaborative and serves on the board of the National Quality Forum and the advisory board for HealthTrackRx.