Population health
Steve Carson
Senior vice president of population health, Temple University Health System
Carson has been at the forefront of launching several innovative programs at Temple, including a community health worker program, community-based substance use disorders programs and projects to address food insecurity. In 2019, he set out to address needs for homeless people coming into the emergency department, who, on average, made four or more trips to the ED in a year. Carson spearheaded a partnership with not-for-profit Resources for Human Development to address housing, as well as reduce avoidable ED utilization and hospital readmissions. The program enrolled 25 high healthcare users, who between April and October 2020 were given subsidies and help finding housing. As a result, Temple saw a 75% decrease in ED visits, a 79% decrease in inpatient admissions and a 50% increase in outpatient appointments with a primary-care provider.