Best Places to Work in Healthcare - 2014
Rank 82 - Provider/Insurer
Woman's Hospital
Provider/Insurer, Baton Rouge , LA
Overall Rank: 82
Years on List: 7
Number of employees: 1,668
Voluntary employee turnover in most recent fiscal year: 8
Average annual salary, exempt: $110,780
Average annual pay, nonexempt: $47,507
Extra benefits:
- Domestic partner benefits
A communications tool or practice:
The Ask Anything program is an online forum where employees can post questions related to their jobs or the organization and receive prompt responses from the leadership team. Responses are archived so all employees can view them to stay informed.
One way the company relieves stress:
This year, the theme for Hospital Week was Happy! Happy! Happy! Employees got a logo cup,candy in their departments, free dessert coupon from rounding leaders, happy selfies displayed, Happy Grams and a slideshow. Employees' families attended a barbeque onsite as the week's finale.