Best Places to Work in Healthcare - 2014
Rank 25 - Provider/Insurer
West Valley Medical Center
Provider/Insurer, Caldwell , ID
Overall Rank: 25
Years on List: 2
Number of employees: 565
Voluntary employee turnover in most recent fiscal year: 9
Average annual salary, exempt: $85,384
Average annual pay, nonexempt: $48,838
Extra benefits:
- Paid time off for community work
- Domestic partner benefits
A communications tool or practice:
Employee Advisory Group: The EAG's purpose is to provide a forum for employees to voice concerns or issues that affect them, share ideas and suggestions for improvement & to work collaboratively with management to improve the work environment.
One way the company relieves stress:
Annual Service Awards: This is a huge celebration where all employees and guests are invited to recognize service milestones. Includes DJ, great food and an awards presentation. This year's theme was a casino night, which was a big hit.