Best Places to Work in Healthcare - 2014
Rank 40 - Provider/Insurer
Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin
Provider/Insurer, Glendale , WI
Overall Rank: 40
Years on List: 4
Number of employees: 212
Voluntary employee turnover in most recent fiscal year: 0
Average annual salary, exempt: $99,814
Average annual pay, nonexempt: $61,301
Extra benefits:
- Domestic partner benefits
A communications tool or practice:
Quarterly all-staff meetings during which the CEO provides updates to the entire staff. Meetings focus on quality, patient satisfaction and staff satisfaction. Other topics include safety issues and facility updates.
One way the company relieves stress:
Staff are allowed to go home early based on scheduling requirements. Most surgical cases are scheduled in the morning to free up the afternoons to allow early departures.