Best Places to Work in Healthcare - 2014
Rank 77 - Supplier
Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma
Supplier, Oklahoma City , OK
Overall Rank: 77
Years on List: 1
Number of employees: 681
Voluntary employee turnover in most recent fiscal year: 12
Average annual salary, exempt: $73,500
Average annual pay, nonexempt: $37,500
Extra benefits:
- Paid time off for community work
- Domestic partner benefits
A communications tool or practice:
Upper management holds town-hall style meetings at our major locations and invites employees to attend. The agenda includes the presentation of financial and operational information as well as an open dialogue between employees and the management team members.
One way the company relieves stress:
Each year, with the awarding of the annual bonus, the entire company enjoys a celebration of our successes over the past year. Lunch and awards are given at all locations.