Best Places to Work in Healthcare - 2014
Rank 92 - Provider/Insurer
Cottage Health System
Provider/Insurer, Santa Barbara , CA
Overall Rank: 92
Years on List: 1
Number of employees: 2,985
Voluntary employee turnover in most recent fiscal year: 8
Average annual salary, exempt: $150,356
Average annual pay, nonexempt: $65,332
Extra benefits:
- Domestic partner benefits
A communications tool or practice:
For over 15 years, this system of engagement and accountability has helped create a respectful culture leading to improvements in patient care. Unlike other organizations, our entire staff participates, not just clinical staff.
One way the company relieves stress:
A certified massage therapist helps ease the stress of being a healthcare provider. The first massage is free; then, one massage is offered per week with a nominal fee per massage.