The American Medical Association on Tuesday announced it will invest $15 million to support innovations that transform residents' medical education.
In a call with reporters on Tuesday, AMA CEO and Executive Vice President Dr. James Madara said the goal of the five-year grant program is identifying effective ways of incorporating relevant workforce skills in graduate medical education programs. That will prepare future physicians for the demands of the current healthcare landscape.
"The curricular structure of medical student education hadn't advanced much in the previous century," Madara said. "So, we were graduating young doctors that were largely unprepared for how medicine is practiced today."
The grants mark the latest phase of the AMA's Accelerating Change in Medical Education initiative, which began in 2013 when AMA awarded $12.5 million to 32 medical schools to fund innovative approaches in their curricula.
Schools will address standardizing education in population health management, developing physician leaders, patient quality and safety and healthcare finance reform.
Dr. Susan Skochelak, AMA group vice president of medical education, said awards will go to organizations with proposed projects that focus on improving the transition of medical students from school to their residency training.
"We're interested in finding better ways to transfer what is now a very disjointed process so that when students arrive in their residency program, their team of leaders know about their skills and also know about areas they need help in further developing as professionals in their physician training," Skochelak said.
Madara said the AMA will post a request for proposals for the "Reimagining Residency" initiative on Jan. 3. Grant recipients will be announced in June.