Verscend acquires Cotiviti | PE Hub Network
Veritas Capital's Verscend has completed its $4.9 billion acquisition of Cotiviti, which makes analytics software.
FDA grants digital therapeutic for Alzheimer's symptoms Breakthrough Device designation | Mobihealthnews
The product, DTHR-ALZ, made by Dthera Sciences, relies on a tablet to show patients content that can lessen the agitation and depression associated with Alzheimer's.
Public health
Big Tobacco's global reach on social media | The New York Times
Big Tobacco has said that it's no longer trying to convince young people to smoke, but meanwhile, tobacco companies have upped their presence on social media, where they're using hashtags to push their brands.
Bayer, J&J's heart drug Xarelto fails trial to widen use | Reuters
Scientists were unable to show that Xarelto, which prevents blood clots, cuts down on the rate of blood clots in certain high-risk patients after they've been discharged from the hospital.
How scientists are learning to predict your future with your genes | Vox
Genome-wide association studies can be helpful for learning about the biological structures of diseases and for predicting who might get those diseases. But some worry the studies' results can be misinterpreted.
In other news
Shelters often mislabel dog breeds. But should we be labeling them at all? | Popular Science
"Pit bull" is not a recognized dog breed. But animal shelters routinely call dogs pit bulls, which decreases their chances of getting adopted. What's more, dogs called "pit bull" are, on average, less than half pit bull, according to a new study.