CMS launches new voluntary bundled-payment model
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The CMS announced Tuesday a new voluntary bundled-payment model that will be considered an advanced alternative payment model under MACRA.
The Bundled Payments for Care Improvement-Advanced Model includes 32 clinical-care episodes that providers can choose from, 29 of which are in the inpatient setting and three in the outpatient setting.
The new model is the first advanced APM to be introduced by the Trump administration. The first cohort will begin Oct. 1. The model performance period will run through Dec. 31, 2023.
The new, voluntary model comes less than two months after the CMS officially decided to toss out two mandatory bundled-payment models created during the Obama administration.
The Trump administration has been a vocal advocate of reducing administrative burden for clinicians and has touted voluntary models as a solution.
"BPCI-Advanced builds on the earlier success of bundled payment models and is an important step in the move away from fee-for-service and toward paying for value. Under this model, providers will have an incentive to deliver efficient, high-quality care," CMS Administrator Seema Verma said in a statement.
Under the model, clinician payment will be based on quality performance during a 90-day episode of care. Participants must select at least one of the 32 clinical episodes to apply to the model. Some of the clinical episodes are major joint replacement, percutaneous coronary intervention provided in both the inpatient and outpatient settings, and spinal fusion.
Because it's an advanced APM, providers will be eligible for bonuses under MACRA based on their performance.
Seven quality measures have been selected for the BPCI-Advanced Model, including the all-cause hospital readmission measure and advance care plan measure.
Those interested in participating have until March 12 to apply.
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