Information technology
Tempus unveils a standalone tool for structuring clinical data at scale | Medcity News
Tempus' operation system structures, cleans, and annotates clinical data to help researchers and clinicians figure out why immuno-oncology drugs work for some patients but not for others.
Oklahoma health department alerts 47,000 clients about data breach—for the second time | Healthcare IT News
For the second time, Oklahoma had to notify 47,000 people their records could have been breached. Why two times? The first time, the state didn't let HHS know.
When your activity tracker becomes a personal medical device | Wired
Fitbit is waiting for the FDA to approve its devices for measuring heart rates and other biometrics.
Platform enables medical students to share learning | Health Data Management
A web-based tool lets medical students at the Boston University School of Medicine record and share their learning experiences with each other. "This is a platform we're using to help encourage and optimize that process for our learners without taking huge amounts of time away from their clinical work during their work days," said a professor at the school.
Lilly begins Phase 1 study of automated insulin delivery system | Mobihealthnews
The company has started a feasibility study for its Automated Insulin Delivery system, which is a closed-loop platform that includes an insulin pump, a dosing algorithm, and a continuous glucose monitor.
In other news
Bitcoin futures are up 13% after eye-popping surge in market debut | Fortune
Bitcoin futures debuted on a mainstream regulated exchange for the first time Sunday night. Futures shot up 22% at first.