Trump is continuing the war on drugs that kept me addicted | Politico
The Trump administration is trying to criminalize drugs the way they were criminalized in the 1980s and 1990.
Safety, quality and clinical practice
There's drama on dietitian Twitter, and it's exposing deep rifts in nutrition doctrine | The Washington Post
Dietitians freuently harass each other and are harassed by each other online, where conversations reflect growing ideological rifts in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Information technology
Leaving protected health information on the Internet costs Cottage Health $2 million | Health Data Management
Twice, Cottage Health System, in California, put protected health information on the web, making it publicly accessible. Now, the health system will pay a $2 million fine for its actions.
With Optum's launch of $250M fund, what will healthcare investment priorities be? | Medcity News
Optum Ventures will have $250 million to put into healthcare startups, with a focus on digital health startups that use data to improve access and care delivery.
GE Healthcare builds out AI, radiology partnerships with Intel, Nvidia | Mobihealthnews
GE Healthcare is partnering with Intel and Nvidia to put artificial intelligence into GE Healthcare's imaging devices.
In other news
Finally putting some fun in erectile dysfunction | The New York Times
Wellness company Hims markets and sells erectile dysfunction and hair-loss products to millennials. Hims physicians prescribe the drugs via telemedicine, and Hims pharmacy partners can fill the prescriptions. The company does not accept insurance.