Transforming from fee-for-service medicine to innovative, value-driven care is a behemoth task. The process is lengthy, resource-intensive, and requires extraordinary commitment from leaders, staff, and care providers. Committed organizations must often make significant changes to their strategic direction and operating structures, yet leaders don't always have a clear precedent on how to successfully guide their organizations through these changes.
How do you get started? The Health Care Transformation Task Force created Transformation to Value: A Leadership Guide to answer this question. The culmination of a year-long process to learn the tools of success from 15 high-performing organizations, it is an exceptional resource for leaders planning their own organizations' transformation to value.
The best place to start is with a strategic framework, covering these four essential dimensions:
- Strategy and Culture (organization, governance, executive and clinical leadership)
- Structure and Investments (infrastructure, workforce, business focus areas)
- Operations and Accountability (operational alignment, financial incentives, quality measurement)
- Performance Measurement (process and outcomes evaluation, financial modeling)
Within each dimension, the Guide outlines three levels of thinking: the first level (concept), the second level (execution), and the final level (sustainability). And it poses introspective questions that leaders should ask themselves and their organizations when building out their strategies.
The strategic framework is accompanied by a series of white papers that lay out the practical experiences of high-performing organizations. These reports paint a candid portrait of the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from experienced leaders, and showcase the real-world applicability of the four framework dimensions. The objective is to help organizations avoid common pitfalls and build on the successes of those who have been effective in their transformation to value. The reports are also accompanied by two webinars featuring executives from some of the nation's most innovative and influential providers and payers.
The transformation to value journey is challenging, yet the desired end goal remains critical: patient-centered, high quality health care that produces better outcomes at lower cost. Health care organizations – large and small – must think critically about what makes the most sense for them and the consumers they serve when designing and implementing their value-based systems.
To smoothly navigate the process of transformation, start your journey with The Transformation to Value: A Leadership Guide.