The Senate health committee today approved nominees for several key HHS leadership positions, including the new assistant secretary for mental health and substance abuse. The nominations now move to the full Senate for confirmation.
The HHS nominees are: Dr. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health; Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz, assistant secretary for mental health and substance use; Dr. Robert Kadlec, assistant secretary for preparedness and response; and Lance Allen Robertson for assistant secretary for aging.
Dr. Jerome Adams' nomination to serve as surgeon general of the U.S. Public Health Service was also forwarded on to the full Senate.
"These five nominees have a thorough understanding of the mission of the department in which I hope they will soon serve—to enhance and protect Americans' health and well-being," said Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. "They will be responsible for leading the nation in event of public health emergencies, addressing mental health and substance abuse, including helping respond to the opioid abuse crisis, and overseeing public health programs. I hope the Senate will quickly confirm these nominees so they can begin their vital work."
There are six other nominees awaiting confirmation at HHS, including for the jobs of deputy secretary, general counsel, assistant secretary for legislation, assistant secretary for financial resources, assistant secretary for planning and evaluation, and assistant secretary for children and families, according to the Partnership for Public Service. No one has been nominated yet for director of Indian Health Services.