U.S. Cardinal Health puts $1.5 billion China business on block | Reuters
State-backed Chinese pharmaceuticals are vying to buy the U.S. drug distributor, which is leaving China because it's concerned that China's drug distribution reform could hinder growth.
Safety, quality and clinical practice
John McCain was diagnosed with a glioblastoma, among the deadliest of cancers | NPR
In one study, six percent of patients who were diagnosed with glioblastoma after age 40 lived five or more years.
Medical devices
A sensor on your skin that looks and feels like a temporary tattoo | The New York Times
The sensor, made of nanoscale mesh, can monitor the body's muscle activity and temperature.
FDA Clears First MRI Device for Brain Imaging in Newborns | Medscape
The Embrace Neonatal MRI System, made by Aspect Imaging, doesn't need to be in a radiofrequency-shielded room, so it can be within the NICU.
Information technology
AHIMA unveils standardized request for information form for HIPAA compliance | Healthcare IT News
The American Health Information Management Association's form would be given to patients when they ask to access their EHR data and would reduce providers' and patients' confusion, according to the association.
In other news
Our brains synchronize during a conversation | Science Daily
When you're talking to someone, your brainwaves synchronize with theirs, according to a new study. "It involves interbrain communion that goes beyond language itself and may constitute a key factor in interpersonal relations and the understanding of language," said one of the lead researchers.