15 quick facts from CBO report on Obamacare repeal bill
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Here's what the CBO reported on the cost and coverage impact of the House Republicans' bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
(All projections are in comparison to current law)
11. Create individual-market instability in states seeking fuller waivers where one-sixth of the U.S. population lives; premiums for people seeking to buy comprehensive plans would become unaffordable.
12. Reduce individual-market premiums overall while sharply increasing premiums for older, low-income people.
13. Substantially increase out-of-pocket costs for people in states that waived ACA requirements on essential health benefits, particularly for maternity, mental health and substance abuse services.
14. Prompt a few million people to use premium tax credits to buy plans that don't cover major medical costs.
15. Result in 4 million more people in employer-based health plans by 2026, mainly because employers would see the individual market as a less desirable option for their workers.
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