As you are accustomed to, you will report numerators, denominators, exceptions and exclusions for each measure giving you a performance rate. This year, CMS has published measure benchmarks which reflect performance according to the method of reporting you use. The benchmarks are divided into deciles.
3: For 2017, the lowest decile is decile 3, meaning the lowest performance score you can earn is 3 points. You'll get these points for reporting a measure with at least one patient in the numerator.
10: You can earn from 3 to 10 points for each of the measures that you submit. The score you earn will be based on your performance. That performance score will place you in a certain decile range and that decile will award you between 3 and 10 points.
The level of performance varies for each measure in each decile, so you need to monitor your performance in relation to the deciles in order to have a sense of how well you are doing.
Note: To see the decile range and point association for all measures visit the QPP website education page and scroll down to the link "2017 Quality Benchmarks."
60: The maximum number of points that you can earn for reporting 6 quality measures is 60 points.
15: If your group includes 15 or more clinicians, CMS will calculate the All Cause Readmission measure based on administrative claims data only if there are 200 or more attributed hospitalizations.
If this measure is calculated, an extra 10 points will be added to your Quality point denominator (70) and your level of performance on this measure will be determined by CMS.
If your performance is the best possible for all 6 measures, you will earn 60 points, but should you fall short, CMS has built in the opportunity for you to earn some bonus points.