Regarding last week's article The battle begins as House Republicans release ACA repeal bill (, March 6), Republicans are facing a losing battle here. Whether the hatchet falls in the reconciliation process or by a full floor vote, they will be taking huge benefits away from their voters. Those voters will not be pleased, and may very well change the balance in Congress in the next election, after which Democrats will return benefits and Republicans will be left with a stigma. If there is a way to slip out of this disaster before threatening healthcare for 20 million people, they had better hope they can find it.
'Republicans need to be looking for an escape route,' and other letters
Michael Christopher
CEO CarePrecise Technology Tulsa, Okla.Regarding “The battle begins as House Republicans release ACA repeal bill,” I will watch with interest, but I suspect the government will miss the real issue. It isn't the high cost of healthcare alone; it is also the high cost of insurance. Of course our high use of healthcare creates extra costs. Hospitals already give away free care in the emergency rooms due to laws that ensure everyone one who arrives will be seen and treated.
The Affordable Care Act also put more pressure on healthcare providers to keep people healthy, so at least the government recognizes the fact that an unhealthy population adds to the nation's healthcare costs. We each own our health. If we're not already trying to practice healthy habits, that needs to change. We need to change the way we think, what we eat, how much exercise we get and how we handle mental challenges such as stress. These are lifestyle issues. Beyond that, we need affordable health insurance for the things beyond our control.
When I see health insurance companies pay CEOs many millions of dollars, I ask, who is paying for that? When I see billion-dollar merger proposals, I ask, who will pay for that? I think it is time for a different insurance business model. Our representatives need to address the real issues. And we need to do our part to be healthy and happy so we don't need to use so much healthcare.
David Brown
Senior healthcare consultant Health Systems Informatics Bend, Ore.Regarding “The battle begins as House Republicans release ACA repeal bill,” I have just one question: Where's the “beef”?
Martha Shartzer
Bardstown, Ky.Send us a letter
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