Leukemia drug works so well that some patients are now quitting it | STAT News
Imagine you had a life-threatening cancer that a wonder drug had kept in remission for years. Would you risk quitting? Thousands of people with a blood cancer called chronic myelogenous leukemia, or CML, now have that choice.
10 next steps for the national health IT agenda | Healthcare IT News
This list is not partisan, and does not criticize the work of any person in industry, government or academia. It reflects lessons learned from the past 20 years of healthcare IT implementation and policymaking. Knowing where we are now and where we want to be, here are 10 guiding principles.
Schumer Says GOP Division Gives Democrats A Chance To Save Obamacare | NPR
Republican lawmakers remain unable to coalesce behind an approach to their oft-stated goal of repeal and replace, and Democrats believe they hold the upper hand to the fate of the Affordable Care Act.
Spike In Syphilis Among Newborns Driven By Broader Epidemic | Kaiser Health News
Neonatologist Gurvir Khurana had only read about it in textbooks. Seeing it in real life has been a shock: baby after baby born severely anemic, lungs filled with fluid, bodies covered with rashes. Some only lived minutes; others died within days or weeks. The cause: congenital syphilis.