Regarding the Feb. 6 editorial “The false promise of state-based reform”(p. 24), this is spot on. What is needed is a balanced approach, which is nearly impossible to achieve in the current political climate. In my opinion, this would include a privately financed Medicare option, narrowly focused on the 50-to-65 age group who purchase insurance from the individual market, elimination of the 3-to-1 premium rule, enhanced health savings accounts, and other provisions that will reduce premiums for the under-50 population.
Letters: Balanced approach needed in next wave of healthcare reform, and other letters
Balanced approach needed in next wave of healthcare reform
Orlando Portale
San DiegoLet's wait for an actual proposal on Medicaid before attacking it
Regarding the recent online Guest Commentary "The case against block grants for Medicaid” (, Feb. 1), perhaps instead of naysaying every idea that comes down the pike, we should wait until a proposal has been brought forward and we have actual questions to ask. It's not like Medicaid is a wonderful program with no faults as it is administered currently. It is overregulated with intrusive and burdensome regulations that contribute little to patient care and detract from it in significant other ways.
Dr. Kerry Willis
Open Water Medical PA Beaufort, N.C.
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