Health insurers can't commit to selling plans through the Affordable Care Act's marketplaces in 2018 until they have at least an inkling of what the future holds for the health insurance landscape.
So far, President Donald Trump's administration has yet to unite behind a particular ACA replacement plan. It's unclear if insurers will get the details they need any time soon, raising questions about whether a mass retreat of insurers from the exchanges is on the way. If that happens, millions of people enrolled in the marketplace may be left without an insurer and forced to switch plans.
The clock is ticking. The deadline to submit 2018 exchange plan and premium proposals for regulatory review is fast approaching. But until health insurers get some answers, they're stuck. “No business that wants to stay in business can make a promise about 2018 under the current situation,” Ceci Connolly, president and CEO of the Alliance of Community Health Plans, said. “It's just impossible to guess in the total darkness.”