Kansas governor to seek increase in hospital tax to restore Medicaid cuts | Public Radio KCUR.org
Facing increasing criticism from healthcare providers about recent cuts in Medicaid reimbursement rates, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback said that he will attempt to restore the cuts by increasing a tax that hospitals pay.
Medtronic warns doctors on heart valve delivery system after 19 deaths reported | Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Heart-device maker Medtronic is warning doctors worldwide to use extra care when inserting a popular new kind of heart valve in some patients, following reports of 19 deaths from severe blood vessel trauma.
As drug pricing transparency bill stumbles in Sacramento, battle turns to November's ballot | Los Angeles Times
An effort to shed more light on prescription drug prices sputtered in the Legislature on Wednesday, dealing a setback to a burgeoning national movement to rein in healthcare expenses by curbing the cost of medication.
With little known about Zika virus, hospitals scramble to stay ahead | Stat
With scientists still trying to better understand the virus—and without any treatments available—hospitals have been forced to adapt to a changing Zika outbreak, particularly in states such as Florida, Texas, and New York that are at risk for local transmission or have seen large numbers of travel-related cases.
Insurance startup Oscar posts Obamacare losses in three states | Bloomberg.com
Oscar Insurance Corp., the startup backed by Silicon Valley investors, posted losses in New York, Texas and California in the first half of the year, the latest example of insurers both large and small losing money in new markets created by President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul.
Dartmouth-Hitchcock sees unexpected fourth-quarter loss | VTDigger.org
A flash flood of red ink swept over Dartmouth-Hitchcock at the end of its fiscal year after the last-minute discovery of problems arising from makeovers in back-office operations and flawed financial projections, officials said this week.