Thank you for the April 25 cover story “Breaking the system,” drawing attention to how state budget battles are preventing numerous citizens from accessing services that are integral to their health and well-being. We've noticed the same trend in instances where healthcare overlaps with community-based human-service organizations, like those we represent at the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities.
Together, healthcare and human services often work side by side to foster the human potential available in all people.
Yet we've heard from far too many organizations recently that are no longer able to provide crucial services due to budget tug-of-wars among state leaders.
Having worked in state government in two states and now as the leader of a national organization, I believe it's the responsibility of our elected officials to find common ground and ensure all people have access to the care, opportunity and supports they need to live to their fullest potential. We cannot let individuals and communities continue to be pawns in this very risky game.