Fiddling around when you should be working to finish a project could do more than annoy your boss. New research says it could be bad for your health.
Researchers report in the journal Psychological Science that stress caused by avoiding the inevitable deadline is potentially damaging to your heart. The study, by psychological scientist Fuschia Sirois of Bishop's University in Quebec, found chronic procrastination is associated with hypertension and heart disease. The data showed that postponing important tasks led to stress, helping to make someone more susceptible to disease.
To break the cycle, there are two behaviors to avoid: steering clear of dealing with the problem or project and self-blame.
But if you procrastinate by drinking coffee, that may not be so bad. As the New York Times reported this week: “Coffee has long had a reputation as being unhealthy. But in almost every single respect, that reputation is backward. The potential health benefits are surprisingly large,” wrote Aaron Carroll, an Indiana University pediatrics professor.
And that cup of joe could give you the energy to finish that looming project. So get to work.