Two healthcare subjects topped Facebook's list of the most popular topics in the U.S. for 2014: Ebola and the Ice Bucket Challenge. Ebola came in second on the most popular list worldwide, edged out by the World Cup. … Ebola also featured in PolitiFact's Lie of the Year for 2014, with exaggerations about the outbreak of the deadly virus taking the top (dis)honor. “Fear of the disease stretched to every corner of America this fall, stoked by exaggerated claims from politicians and pundits. They said Ebola was easy to catch, that illegal immigrants may be carrying the virus across the southern border, that it was all part of a government or corporate conspiracy,” PolitiFact said. … The British Medical Journal weighs in on the battle of the sexes in its always whimsical Christmas issue, with research firmly supporting the “male idiot theory.” After reviewing the winners of 20 years of the Darwin Awards—who “must eliminate themselves from the gene pool in such an idiotic manner that their action ensures one less idiot will survive,” BMJ explains—88.7% of the winners were of the male persuasion.
Ebola, Ice Bucket Challenge most popular Facebook topics in 2014
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