Regarding “CMS should not pay for regular CT screenings for heavy smokers, panel says”:
At first blush it seems shocking that the CMS would not cover effective preventive care. However, being a smoker is a voluntary activity.
Regarding “CMS should not pay for regular CT screenings for heavy smokers, panel says”:
At first blush it seems shocking that the CMS would not cover effective preventive care. However, being a smoker is a voluntary activity.
The consequences of being a smoker are extremely detrimental, both economically and physically. Although, because of the addictive factor, the habit isn't 100% voluntary because it is so difficult to shake, it is still unreasonable for society to pay for extra testing for those that cannot, or will not, quit this unhealthy habit. The CMS should not pay for extra CT scans. That should be added onto smokers' costs. Of course, doctors must let patients know that CT scans are needed, although not covered.
Lois Feinberg
Hollywood, Fla.Send us a letter
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