Healthcare leaders depend on the award-winning staff of Modern Healthcare to provide insight into the national policy and trends affecting the business of healthcare. But at its core, healthcare is LOCAL and PERSONAL, as professionals from all healthcare sectors unite to deliver quality care.
Understanding how national policy and reform issues are impacting local healthcare delivery will be the focus of our new breakfast event series for 2014.
Next in the series:
Successful Population Health Management Across the Continuum of Care
BOSTON - November 6New models of care delivery are ramping up the pressure on providers to coordinate care across settings and improve patient outcomes. This event will include prominent leaders in the Boston healthcare market who will share their experiences in creating accountable care organizations, sharing data, addressing exploding rates of chronic disease and leveraging health IT systems.
Previous events: ICD-10: What Now?
CHICAGO - June 20After a curveball delay to the supposedly firm date for ICD-10 compliance, federal officials have set Oct. 1, 2015 as the new deadline. But healthcare organizations, insurers and tech firms who spent considerable time and money feverishly preparing for the transition are reevaluating what to do next.
Our June 20th breakfast roundtable discussion “ICD-10: What Now?” will provide insight on:
* How best to salvage your past preparation efforts
* Approaching the new timeline
* Maintaining your organization's momentum
The Changing Healthcare Workforce
DALLAS - May 6For questions about the Healthcare Issue Briefings, please contact Jenna Trautman at [email protected] or 312-649-5238 or Debbie Greif, Strategic & Integrated Brand Development Director, at 312-649-5459 or [email protected].