Regarding: “Physician assistant, nurse practitioner workloads expected to increase”:
I loved the article about physician assistants' and nurse practitioners' workloads expected to increase.
Regarding: “Physician assistant, nurse practitioner workloads expected to increase”:
I loved the article about physician assistants' and nurse practitioners' workloads expected to increase.
Physicians need to get over themselves, just like the makers of horse-drawn buggies did when the first car came out. Medical students aren't lined up out the door to become primary-care providers because it's the lowest-paying physician position. However, they don't want midlevel providers to take over primary care either.
How selfish and close-minded is that? Then they wonder why the ERs and urgent-care centers are being used for primary care.
Marcia Roye-Madison
St. LouisSend us a letter
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