As Healthcare continues to evolve around the world, providers face an increasingly dynamic and complex set of challenges. Healthcare costs, quality and access issues are rapidly reaching crisis proportions that are no longer sustainable. High-performing healthcare organizations have the ability of making better – informed decisions which drive improved clinical care, operational efficiency and better patient outcomes. Not only is it vital to understand how to best manage resources but to also have the ability of fully understanding, through integrated analytics, analysis of clinical variability, best practices, cost and margins. The demand for patient engagement, business and clinical analytics, enhanced resource utilization and integration across the enterprise has never been so important as care delivery is transformed.
Oracle is unique in its ability to deliver powerful solutions that address these critical needs. For instance, Oracle provides an advanced suite of analytics and data warehousing solutions which integrate information from all key sources to provide a single view of the enterprise today. Whether the source is your EMR, clinical departmental systems, patient accounts, ERP, research or other source systems, Oracle delivers solutions that rapidly and cost-effectively unlock the value from clinical and operational data. Whether combining analysis on structured or unstructured data, or integrating the enterprise, Oracle's healthcare solutions are open, integrated and able to rapidly accelerate your time to value, while providing an approach that allows your organization to confront the challenges ahead.