The U.S. Senate is likely to take up a bill this week to enhance federal oversight of large-scale compounding pharmacies. It could be signed into law as early as Nov. 15, sources say. Senators will consider the Drug Quality and Security Act passed by the House in September.
Senate likely to consider bill enhancing compounding oversight
The bill makes it voluntary for compounders to register under the oversight of the Food and Drug Administration, a softening of the prior version that has disappointed some supporters. “I don't think it's going to be as comprehensive as we initially had hoped,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg said Nov. 5. Healthcare providers and patient-safety groups have said they support the goal of the legislation. The push for stronger oversight of compounders gained strength after 64 people died and hundreds were sickened across 20 states last year from tainted steroid injections produced by the New England Compounding Center, a now-closed compounding pharmacy in Framingham, Mass.
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