Who: Dr. Richard Gilfillan
New job: President and CEO of CHE Trinity Health, effective Nov. 18
Why he was looking: Gilfillan stepped down in June as director of the CMS Innovation Center. The Obama administration hired him in 2010 to launch its idea lab for healthcare reform. He previously was president and CEO of Danville, Pa.-based Geisinger Health Plan.
Why CHE Trinity was hiring: The Livonia, Mich.-based Roman Catholic system has operated under the leadership of interim CEO Judith Persichilli since it was created in May through the merger of Trinity Health and Catholic Health East. The organizations initially named Trinity CEO Joseph Swedish to lead the combined system (which spans 20 states and has combined revenues of $13.3 billion), but he left in March to assume the top post at WellPoint. CHE Trinity did not say what role Persichilli would assume.
Why Gilfillan? His national presence and experience across the spectrum of care make him the right pick, said CHE Trinity Board Chair Melanie Dreher.
Why CHE Trinity? Gilfillan said that he was drawn to the system by its strong regional ministries and financial standing and that he felt he could make more of an impact
in the private sector as healthcare transitions to emerging delivery models.