In fact, 1,016 providers that have partnered with the Delaware REC have demonstrated meaningful use, according to statement confirming Delaware's first-in-the-nation status from the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
The Delaware REC is run by Quality Insights of Delaware, a quality improvement organization that is a subsidiary of the West Virginia Medical Institute, also a QIO.
“I would love to say we're at the tipping point for connected, coordinated healthcare, but it's difficult to pinpoint exactly where the stars align for a dramatic shift practice,” Beth Schindele, director of the Delaware REC, said in a news release. “I am confident, however, that 1,000 plus Delaware providers is a solid foundation for dramatic growth. These providers should be congratulated for their transformative role.”
The total spending thus far across all 62 RECs has been $519,562,457 out of a total of $720,933,967 awarded, according to the latest data from the ONC. They've been tasked initially with helping office-based physicians and small and rural hospitals with purchasing EHRs and achieving its meaningful use targets to qualify for ARRA-funded EHR incentive payments.
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