It is an approach driven by the fact that provider charges may vary widely for some procedures and services with no meaningful differences in outcomes, said Jim Winkler, chief innovation officer for health in Aon Hewitt's Norwalk, Conn., office.
That approach already is widespread in coverage of prescription drugs, where many employers require plan participants to pay the full difference in the cost between brand name products and their generic substitutes.
In addition, 59% of respondents said they intend to direct participants, through plan design or lower costs, to hospitals or physicians with demonstrated high quality for specific procedures or conditions.
“Employers want to drive employees to providers with the best outcomes,” Mr. Winkler said.
The survey also found that 38% of employers plan to join cooperative purchasing programs with other employers or group to try to get better pricing for healthcare services.
More employers consider new health plan reimbursement approaches: Survey originally appeared on Crain's Business Insurance.