Apparently the word is out. The discerning expectant Canada goose won't hatch her goslings just anywhere anymore. Only the hospital will do.
Seems two facilities have had parts of their employee parking lots turned into fowl maternity wards this spring.
A flock of geese have been waddling around the grounds of Woman's Hospital in Shenandoah, La., for several years. But this year, one mama—who was soon dubbed “Mother Goose”—built her nest in the employee parking lot. Staff members cordoned off the area with yellow tape and traffic cones and posted a bright pink sign that read “Do not disturb—Mother Goose” as she incubated her eggs.
And at Hunterdon Medical Center in Flemington, N.J., a like-minded bird built a nest on a median in the employee parking lot. Her male companion stood guard, hissing and flapping his wings at anyone who got too close—prompting the hospital to close off about 50 parking spaces “due to nesting geese.”