Dr. Terry McGeeney has been named a director at BDC Advisors, a Miami-based consultant with offices in five other cities.
McGeeney, 61, who started at BDC on April 1, stepped down in February from his post as founding president and CEO of TransforMED, the American Academy of Family Physicians' consulting subsidiary which has helped some 8,000 practices implement the patient-centered medical home model that emphasizes coordinated care, increased access, continuous quality improvement and a whole-person orientation.
“It has become increasingly clear to me as healthcare reform has quickly evolved that, while primary care will be a critical part of the solution, health systems and payers will increasingly be the drivers of change,” McGeeney said in an e-mail. “It had also become clear to me that the ultimate solution to what ails the healthcare system will be integrated networks or neighborhoods again developed and coordinated by systems and maybe even payers or employers. The solution will be much broader than primary-care practices alone.”
Before leading TransforMED, McGeeney was the medical director of the McFarland Clinic in Ames, Iowa.