It's noted in the report that the average size of an AMGA member group is 302 full-time physicians and the median size is 140. The report added that the group has a 94% membership retention rate.
In comparison, in 2011, the AMGA added 45 member groups in which 8,500 practice. The AMGA passed the 400-member mark in 2011, but because of member organizations merging and consolidating, the number of members is not always a true indicator of the association's growth.
Activities listed in the 2012 report included the launch of Measure Up, Pressure Down, a three-year national campaign to combat high blood pressure through the use of members' coordinated-care delivery systems; and the conclusion of a two-year research project to improve care for patients with multiple chronic conditions. Launched in August 2010 and concluded in November 2012, the project included 22 teams and a report on their findings will be published in early 2013.
The report to members also said that the 2012 annual conference in San Diego set a record with more than 2,000 people in attendance. This year's event will be held March 14-16 in Orlando, Fla.