“It's totally crazy. Our billing system is terrible. I get some explanations of benefits from my insurer, and I don't understand what they are.”
—Dr. David Feinberg, president of UCLA Health System,
in a Los Angeles Times column by David Lazarus“It's totally crazy. Our billing system is terrible. I get some explanations of benefits from my insurer, and I don't understand what they are.”
—Dr. David Feinberg, president of UCLA Health System,
in a Los Angeles Times column by David LazarusPop star Beyonce “has associated herself with Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign—a campaign to eat better (and) move more ... and now (she is) pushing Pepsi, really quite the opposite of that. She might consider giving some or all of this money to charity.”
—Mark Bittman, New York Times food
writer, on ABCnews.com“Some businesses may be tempted to classify someone as an independent contractor to avoid the headcount that could subject them to the (employer mandate). If anything, the risks of misclassifications are exacerbated by the” Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
—Edward Lenz, senior counsel at the American Staffing Association, in the Wall Street Journal
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