Many women don't need to be screened for cervical cancer after a hysterectomy, but a new study says most get the test anyway.
A government survey released Thursday shows about 60% of women with hysterectomies recently had a Pap test.
Many women don't need to be screened for cervical cancer after a hysterectomy, but a new study says most get the test anyway.
A government survey released Thursday shows about 60% of women with hysterectomies recently had a Pap test.
For years, experts have said there's no need to screen women who had a total hysterectomy for reasons other than cancer. A total hysterectomy removes the uterus and cervix.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed thousands of women ages 30 and older who had a hysterectomy. Those who recently had Pap tests fell from 73% in 2000 to 59% in 2010.
Experts say some tests may have been warranted, but the others were probably done because Paps have long been part of annual doctor visits.
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