While President Barack Obama's victory Tuesday night ensured the continued implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it also added pressure on the administration to offer healthcare interest groups more clarity on several provisions of the landmark 2010 law.
Ilisa Halpern Paul, managing government relations director at Drinker Biddle & Reath in Washington, said she thinks the U.S. healthcare industry can expect the Obama administration to release a wave of policies and regulations quickly, especially as states have just until the end of next week to decide if they will establish a health insurance exchange. Until now, states have been "working with a blindfold on," Halpern Paul said, so it's important for HHS to issue a final rule on the insurance exchanges. She expects that rule to be among the first regulations released. Also expected to be issued are a rule on essential health benefits and guidance for employers about what constitutes part-time and full-time employees, as employers will face penalties for not offering coverage to their workers.