More than 40% of patient visits for primary-care services took place at a specialist physician's office, suggesting "current and continued inefficiency in the delivery of primary-care services," according to a research letter published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Researchers from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, and Yale University, New Haven, Conn., compared National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey records from 1999 with records from 2007 and saw virtually no change in the percentage of primary-care service visits conducted at specialists' offices: 41% in 1999 and 41.2% in 2007.
Visits were divided into two categories: "common symptoms and diseases," such as fever, nasal congestion, anemia and asthma, and preventive examinations. Physicians were classified as either primary-care doctors or specialists—the latter group including internal-medicine subspecialists, obstetricians/gynecologists and others.